Reading Thursday – Look at Me Posting Consistently!

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Hey, look at me posting two weeks in a row! I’m not ready to claim it’s a habit yet, but I think the themed days are really helping! Speaking of which, it’s Reading Thursday!

What I finished

How the García Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez

Enjoyed this very much. It was written in kind of reverse chronology that threw me a little at first, but it made for a more unique reading experience. Four stars.

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris by Paul Gallico

Sometimes seen as Mrs. ‘Arris Goes to Paris.

So, I forgot to mention this one last week because I was actually listening to in as an audiobook. I’ve listened to a few, but fairly recently (in the last year or so) started listening a little more consistently. I realized that they’re good for early mornings at work while I’m doing some of my more rote tasks and not very likely to be interrupted.

Anyway, I also enjoyed this one. It was a cute story, and the narrator was very good. 3.5 stars.

What I’m reading now

Mrs. Harris Goes to New York by Paul Gallico

The audiobook actually contains both, so I just continued on with Mrs. Harris’s next adventure.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig

I’m still working on this one, but I’m almost done. I’ll save my thoughts for when I’ve completed it, probably next week.

Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools by Tyler Staton

Also still working on this one, although more enthusiastically.

What’s Up Next

Next up on my library challenge list, is a book set in Italy or by an Italian author. I have a few candidates lined up from my Kindle backlog, but haven’t decided on one yet. I’ll probably try to take some time to look at reviews vs length and decide tomorrow or Saturday. Probably fiction. I may also decide to forgo a non-fiction selection while I try to power through some challenge selections.

I don’t expect to finish Monks or Mrs. Harris in the next week, so I’m not really thinking about new candidates for those slots yet.

What about you? What are you reading this week?

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