Reading ThuRsday

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I’m trying a new experiment to build up a posting schedule – Reading ThuRsdays. (Get it? Because there’s an “R” In Thursday, and sometimes it’s represented that way on calendars.) I’m a long-time Constant Reader, and usually have a few books going at any time.

Why reading?

How is this related to creativity, you may ask? Well, for one thing, I think reading fosters creativity. I’ve heard that reading fiction even increases your empathy. Like any creative hobby, it can sometimes be kind of hard to start or to get into. Sometimes you even feel blocked in it. I also feel like deciding what to read next can be as fraught (or not) of a decision as what to create. Like, sometimes you’re up for just pulling something off the shelf at random, and sometimes it takes a while to settle in and really get into something.

My reading method

So, like I said, I often have more than one book going at a time. I do 99% of my reading on a Kindle, so I usually always have everything with me. No worrying about putting different books in different rooms or bags or anything.

For the last several years I’ve been following various read-the-Bible-in-a-year plans, using different translations, so that’s always one of my current reads. Along those same lines, I also try to always have some kind of spiritual book going, too, that I typically read after my Bible reading in the morning.

For reading at other times, I usually have one non-fiction and one fiction read. My local library has a program for adults where if you read 20 books that fit in certain categories, you can earn a T-shirt, and I’ve also been doing that for several years. This year, the categories range from an author who writes under more than one name to a book with a snake on the cover, so there’s often a lot of room for your own preferences. I feel like the categories lend themselves more to fiction, but there are often non-fiction options too.

What I’m reading now

My Bible for this year is the CSB Ancient Faith Study Bible. I had dreams of reading all the included excerpts, but found that there could be a lot, so I’ve mostly just been sticking to the biblical text.

My spiritual book right now is Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools by Tyler Staton. This is actually a reread from just a couple of years ago, but one I needed right now.

My general fiction and non-fiction reads are How the García Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig. Both are for the library challenge – the Garcia Girls are for an author who writes both YA and adult books, and Zen is for a book published in the decade I was born.

Watch this space

So what’s next for this (hopefully) new series? My plan is to update every Thursday with the books I’ve finished and what I thought of them, plus whatever new books I’ve started. I generally average out to about a book and a half per week, so future posts probably won’t be super long, but we’ll see.

How about you?

How about you? What are you reading? Do you also have multiple books going at once, or do you stick to one at a time? Any recommendations? Let’s discuss in the comments!


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